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Playground Tips for Toddlers

March 4, 2020 No Comments

Kori is ready for Spring! My mini me loves the outdoors. Especially going to the playground. We are so ready for our daily playground time after day care pick ups. She has already started to cry before going in the house this week, because she wants to stay outside. It’s 63 degrees in Virginia today and guess what. I’m taking my mini me to the playground today! I can’t wait for our mommy and me time together.

Below I’m sharing useful Playground Tips for Toddlers moms can follow.

 – Bring travel size baby wipes for dirty hands when playtime is over.
 – Bring travel size tissue/Boogie Wipes for runny noses. Its not SPRING yet!
 – Bring a water bottle or sippy cup for thirsty toddlers.
 – Pay attention to your toddler in case of a fall to comfort them.
 – Of course observe surroundings when at a large playgrounds.
 – Take 1 to 2 pictures, but stay off phone to enjoy toddler life & motherhood.

Are you ready for SPRING, we are! Comment below. Until next time.

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