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Confidence of the Red Lip

November 9, 2019 Kwa 2 Comments

Your girl decided to wear a red lip to kick off her Birthday weekend. We recently discovered we have numerous local wineries in the area. Who knew! I haven’t been to a wine tasting since joining the mom tribe. I was pretty stoked for this outing to say the least! When you are a mom you get excited about the little things, like visiting a winery. After tasting eleven wines, we bought one of the best wines we tasted. Yes eleven! Let’s talk about confidence of the red lip.

November Love

November 1, 2019 Kwa No Comments

It’s November! This year is flying by. I love this month for so many reasons. For starters, it’s my birth month. Scorpio season! It’s time to celebrate and thank God for blessing me with this life.

Kori LeeAnn’s Birth Story

October 14, 2019 Kwa 1 Comment

Although it has been a little over two years since my daughter was born. I feel compelled to share our birth story since she was conceived in October 2016. October is a special month to me because getting pregnant wasn’t easy. It really was god’s will.

Meet Kwa

Meet Kwa

Hey there, I'm Kwa. Welcome to Mama Mini Joy, a relatable Motherhood & Lifestyle blog that inspires, entertains and connects with like-minded women. Enjoy!


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