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Kori LeeAnn’s Birth Story

October 14, 2019 1 Comment

Although it has been a little over two years since my daughter was born. I feel compelled to share our birth story since she was conceived in October 2016.  October is a special month to me because getting pregnant wasn’t easy.  It really was god’s will.

Sunday July 9, 2017

2:00pm It was early July & hot as hell outside.  I was nine months pregnant, thirty-nine weeks to be exact. I threw on a tunic dress my younger sister handed down to me.  It was loose fitting and comfortable.  Corey’s family came to visit before going to the airport for a vacation. We picked up some seafood.  Crabs, crab legs, shrimp, corn & roasted potatoes to entertain the family.  While we were eating I recall Corey’s mom saying, “You know spicy seafood make the baby come”. I said, “Really, I never heard that one.” I have heard my share of myths during my pregnancy.

2:45pm While eating I kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. I ran to the bathroom and a little urine trickled out. This happened twice. I didn’t think anything of it. I just knew my daughter would stay inside until her July 15, 2017 due date. I continued to enjoy my food.

4:00pm My extended family left for the airport. I went upstairs and changed into light green pajama pants and a purple & pink tie dye tank that goes over a bikini.  Why?  Don’t ask. When you are pregnant you put on anything.

4:15pm I got comfortable on the couch and the baby starting kicking as usual.  I made an iPhone video of me rubbing my belly & talking to my unborn daughter.  This was something we did daily.

9:00pm We headed upstairs for bed.

11:20pm I felt a sharp pain and I got up to go to the bathroom.  I went back to bed easily.

Monday July 10, 2017

12:20am I was awakened by another sharp pain, but it felt intense.  I asked Kori’s father, “What time is it?”  He responded. “12:20.” I ran to the bathroom and sat down thinking I had to urinate.  The next thing I know another pain occurs and I realize I’m having contractions.  I was in severe pain and breathing like I just ran a marathon.  After another contraction, I knew I was in labor when I saw my “mucus plug” floating in the toilet.  I had only read about this online and YouTube.  I yelled, “I’m in labor babe, oh my God, call the doctor!” Since I thought she was coming on her due date the paperwork about “What to do when you are Labor” was in my purse downstairs.  He ran to get my purse.  While in the bathroom we called the doctor.  The doctor advised us to head to the hospital and that she would let them know we were on the way.  My contractions were five minutes apart. I began to bang on the wall with my fist to get through each contraction.

12:50am Kori’s father is dressed, bags were already at the bottom of the stairs, car seat was in the car at 36 weeks. Mind you I am STILL sitting on the toilet trying to get up through the pain.  Kori’s father yells, “Babe you have to get up”. After the next contraction, he helped me up.  I made it to the second floor, had another contraction stopped & breathed through it.  When it passed, I made it to the first floor.  Followed by another contraction.

1:00am We are in the car and head to the hospital.  Contractions are not letting up and they were getting stronger.  My daughter felt like a turkey was pushing out my vagina during each contraction.  The hospital is 42 minutes away.  We got there and parked in 20 minutes because Kori’s father was driving in sport mode at 100 mph. We flew pass a Virginia State trooper, but he didn’t stop us. Thank god!

1:20am We are at the Labor & Delivery (L&D) entrance double parked.  Babe gets a wheelchair and they let us through these giant doors to L&D.  We go to the first room behind the doors.  I get on the hospital bed.  Two nurses are there.  One nurse is asking my name and keying information into the computer. I yell at the nurse, “Lady I pre-registered, why are you asking me these questions?” The other nurse is letting me know she is going to check my cervix.  She helps me take my pants off.  The nurse asked me if my water had broken.  I responded, “I saw my plug, I think so, yes”. She checks my cervix and says, “Oh, I feel hair…Ok let’s go upstairs!” The nurse says again, “Do you know for sure when it broke?” I responded, “Well I did trickle out some fluid yesterday that may have been urine”.  Being that I may have been leaking fluid.  The nurse adds in the notes that I will need extra meds to prevent infection.  The registration nurse in the meantime has placed a hospital bracelet on my arm.  I hear the nurse say to the registering nurse, “she is six centimeters.” Let’s go.

1:30am While Kori’s father goes to move the car and grab my delivery bag.  I am rolled upstairs and into our room where we would deliver our baby girl.  Kori’s father is back and he helps me get undressed and into my delivery gown.  I am hooked up to monitors to watch me and the baby.  My doctor arrives and says “You are doing good, breathe”.  Before she could leave. I said, “I need an epidural now”. I was holding on the hospital bed rails for dear life through every contraction.  My doctor talked to the nurse to put the epidural order in.

1:45am Contractions are still five minutes apart. I ask the nurse can you please check on the epidural.  They had me sign a form and said I was next in line, the anesthesiologist was on his way.

1:50am The anesthesiologist arrives. I pray to myself, let this work. I heard stories and saw YouTube videos where women experienced a failed epidural. The anesthesiologist talks me through the procedure.  I bent over in the fetal position on the edge of the bed. All I felt was a pinching feeling and it was done. I thanked him like he was Jesus, LOL The contractions started subsiding quickly.

2:30am My aunt arrived at the hospital and sat with us for a while. The nurse came in and said I needed rest.  I was so excited I didn’t want to fall asleep.  I had been waiting for this day my whole adult life.  I just was praying silently to myself to get me and my baby through delivery safely.

4:34am I text my boss at my job & let him know I was in labor and was going on maternity leave. I was cold so the nurse gave me an extra blanket.  I finally allowed myself to fall asleep.

11:00am I am fully dilated and my doctor comes in and says it’s time to push.  The nurse and Kori’s father hold my legs and I start pushing.  When in labor I was told you push as if you are going to the bathroom to do a number two.  So, I’m pushing and pushing, no baby. I’m pushing correctly because poop is on the table.

12:00pm I am sweating and having a hard time breathing because of my asthma.  The nurse gives me oxygen to help me breathe. I keep pushing, but only a portion of my daughters head would come out. The baby’s head was peeking in and out every time I pushed.

12:30pm I continued pushing sessions, but the baby’s head would stop at her ears and she would go back in.  The baby started to become stressed. The doctor says, “Do you want to keep pushing.” I said, “Yes.” We keep pushing but no baby.  The nurse turns me on my side for a few minutes because the baby is stressing again.  I give one more hard push because Kori’s father whispers in my ear that if I can’t get this baby out I’m going to need a C-section!

1:00pm Kori was too big of a baby for my small frame.  My doctor let us know we can keep pushing for thirty more minutes, but you may need a C-section. A C-section was not a part of my birth plan. What the hell! I was immediately scared for me and my unborn daughter. I have never had major surgery.  I was scared something would happen to me on the table during delivery.

1:05pm Kori’s father and I pray silently to ourselves about the C-section.  I chose this hospital because it was one of the best hospitals on the east coast.  I tried to think about that and not the C-section.  We both agree it’s the only way to get her out safely.  My aunt walks in and says a few words. I could see on her face she was scared for me to have surgery.  I tell her it’s the only way.  I didn’t let her know I was scared too.  I put on a brave face as I was rolled out to the surgery room.

1:15pm I am rolled into the surgery room. All the white lights on the ceilings freaked me out.  The nurse says ok honey, “We going to move you over to this table.” I start to cry. The nurse assures me, its ok. I respond, “No, I’m terrified, where is Corey (Kori’s father).” The nurse says he is coming don’t worry. The blue drape goes up and they began to prep and scrub my lower body for surgery. I could see Kori’s father coming with a surgery smock on and then I didn’t see him. I didn’t know this happened until after the baby was born, but Kori’s father freaked out for a moment. The nurse told him she needs you and to be strong for her. He got it together and came in and sat on a stool next to where I was laying. I never knew he was scared too. I LOVE that man!

1:20pm I start to tear up in fear. The nurse says, “Don’t cry, because guest what. The baby will be out any minute now.” We are talking and the next thing I know the nurse says, “here she comes” with excitement!

1:27pm I heard the loudest cry. Oh my God it’s my baby girl! Kori’s father is taking pictures of the doctors holding her up right out of my stomach. The doctor hands my daughter to a nurse and places her on a little table to weight her, check her vitals and rub her down.  She wipes her off and Kori is crying the entire time.  Kori’s father takes more pictures.  The nurse swaddles her into a hospital blanket and she stops crying.  The nurse places her on my chest. I said to my baby girl, “Hey mama baby.” And right at that moment, she opens her eyes for the first time.  She knew my voice. I could not believe she was finally here. Thank god!

Kori LeeAnn was born July 10, 2017 at 1:27pm weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz.

Did you have a natural, medicated, or c-section birth? Did everything go as planned? Let me know in the comments mom. Until next time.

1 Comment

  • Corey October 15, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    I remember every second of every moment of that day I was full of joy and terrified at the same time. Now two years later she is a vibrant full of energy and personality young lady my everything and life wouldn’t be the same without her and her adorable caring and full of ambitious mother …. I love them both with every heartbeat that fuels my soul

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