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Hey 2020!

January 9, 2020 2 Comments

I’m feeling 90% better. I hope you are well and starting the year in good health. For me, I brought in 2020 home with my family watching the ball drop. Shortly after I got a strain of the flu. Happy New Year to me right! As a Mom I tried to quarantine myself from my two year old as much as possible. I was somewhat successful. The first week of 2020 I know I shed a few tears and felt less than a Mom. Mom Guilt set in because I was too weak to handle mom duties. Like bath time, learning time, play time and hug time with my sweet girl. I did my best to keep my distance from my daughter to prevent her from getting sick. But it was like she knew mommy didn’t feel well and wanted to hug on me constantly. # momguiltisreal

Being that I suffer from Asthma, having the flu puts me at a higher risk of having asthmatic complications. Which I definitely encountered this time around and still dealing with today. It was quite an eye opener for me. While sick I had time rest & reflect on my health and my goals for the year.

I normally separate my goals into categories and Health is one. Newly added Social Media & Blog goals is another. Health is a priority! That means taking care of me, so I will be able to take care of my family when they need me. I acknowledge setting Social Media & Blog goals are necessary now! I accomplished one of my goals in this category already for 2020, which was a successful IG Giveaway. Yay! Thank you to everyone who entered and are following my journey as a Blogger. But since starting my blog October 1, 2019 I have struggled with working & mom’ing to stay consistent with content. Those that are in the blogger influencer zone already know that “C” word is Key! By publishing my goals on my blog, it holds me accountable in a sense to achieve my goals. I have other personal, financial and family goals, but here is a look at my Health and Social Media & Blog goals for 2020.

Health Goals 2020:

  • Take vitamins daily
  • Drink more H20
  • Walk three times a week to strengthen my breathing & lungs
  • Schedule physical & Women’s Wellness check (includes Mammogram)

Ladies please make sure you stay on track with your health & appointments. I know as women, especially Moms we stay busy & on the go. Make your health a priority too!

Social Media & Blog Goals 2020:

  • Grow social media presence (consistency)
  • Grow blog and email subscribers
  • Attend two events in my area
  • Join a few Blogger community groups
  • Get my feet wet & collaborate with brands
  • Continue to engage with social media community
  • Learn how to use my Cannon Rebel T6 DSLR camera

I accomplished all my goals last year except one and that’s OK! What are some of your goals this year? Did you invest in a planner or planning app to help you accomplish said goals? Comment below.

*If you are interested in how I categorize my goals or tips on how I manage my Asthma symptoms please let me know.

Until next time. Thank you for visiting Mama Mini Joy!


  • Marissa January 24, 2020 at 11:48 pm

    Hi! I’m Marissa😊 I LOVE your 2020 goals! I’m here for it all.

    Glad to see you’re feeling better! My husband has dealth with asthma for 16 years so I know what you mean!

    Happy to connect more in 2020💛

    • Kwa February 7, 2020 at 11:40 am

      Hey Marissa! Thank you so much. I’m sticking to my goals in 2020. Asthma can be tricky, but knowing your body & how to deal with inflammation or complications is key!

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    Hey there, I'm Kwa. Welcome to Mama Mini Joy, a relatable Motherhood & Lifestyle blog that inspires, entertains and connects with like-minded women. Enjoy!


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