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November Love

November 1, 2019 No Comments

It’s November! This year is flying by. I love this month for so many reasons. For starters, it’s my birth month. Scorpio season! It’s time to celebrate and thank God for blessing me with this life. I was born on 11/11 and can’t tell you how many times I see it. It’s almost on a daily, seriously. If you don’t know about the manifestation of 1111, Google it and leave thoughts in the comments below.

Secondly, the temperature drops significantly outside, at least in the DMV (DC, MD, VA) area it does. That means time to turn on the heat at home. Who doesn’t love a warm and cozy house. Relaxing on the chase, candle warmers going, a cup of Chai tea while watching my daughter terrorize my house with toys is EVERYTHING.

And lastly, Thanksgiving is in November. For me, that means spending time with family is just around the corner. I have lived two hours away from my family for nine years. I love that I only live an hour away now. I don’t know who is hosting dinner this year, but I’m just ready gather.

Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? Are we birthday twins? If your birthday is this month, Happy Birthday! What do you love about November? Let me know in the comments.

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