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October 1, 2019 2 Comments

It’s official, I finally hit the launch button on my blog! Mama Mini Joy is live! KwaTeisha here, feel free to call me Kwa. I hold the title of daughter, sister, friend, aunt, niece, and soulmate to name a few. Most of all I am a girl Mama!

Launching this blog is a long time coming. If you know me personally, you know I like to stay busy. To be honest I wanted to start a blog three years ago. In 2016 after I earned my Master’s degree in IT my goal was to start blogging in my spare time, but life happened. Mom life that is. God blessed our family with a healthy spunky baby girl in 2017. And just like that, mom was added to my title. Starting a blog was put on hold to embrace motherhood. By the way motherhood is the greatest experience in the world. No if’s and’s or but’s about it.

I’m a mom who works in IT (Information Technology). As a career-driven mom who works full-time, mom guilt is so real. It’s really difficult going to a job I enjoy while the little one is at day care. Every day it gets easier because I think about my phenomenal work ethic and who I’m doing this for. When my daughter is older she will understand my choices to create a better lifestyle for our family.

Over the years I have read numerous blogs. With social media platforms, keeping up with blogs is simple. My love for computers has always been a part of me. Naturally, I always wanted to create a space online. Why not express myself creatively and with transparency through a blog of my own. So here I am adding another title, blogger. It’s super exciting taking this leap of faith to actually launch “The Kwa Corner”.

People always say “just start”.  Before starting anything, I believe one must first be confident and stand behind, in front, and beside what you put out in this world.  Well, this is me starting and being less of an introvert. On the blog you will find relatable experiences as a mom and as a women. As well as tips, how to’s, even rants about mom life and everything in between. I hope my blog inspires, entertains, and connects with you in some relatable shape, form, or fashion. Welcome to my blog!

To learn more check out the About page.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Mama Mini Joy!


  • Kiara October 9, 2019 at 10:44 am

    Yay! I’m so excited to read more from you Kwa!

    • Kwa October 12, 2019 at 5:54 pm

      Thank you for taking the time to visit my little corner mama! More to come soon.

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    Meet Kwa

    Meet Kwa

    Hey there, I'm Kwa. Welcome to Mama Mini Joy, a relatable Motherhood & Lifestyle blog that inspires, entertains and connects with like-minded women. Enjoy!


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