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Tea Time

February 2, 2020 Kwa No Comments

At 7:30 am I got an early wake up mom call from my two year old daughter. We been getting an early start all week with our new morning routine & early bedtime. The transition hasn’t been easy. Mama is exhausted. But for some reason her waking me this morning, I felt a sense of gratefulness that I get to wake up to my daughter. There are so many of us that don’t get that chance or would do anything for that Mama moment.

We washed faces, brushed teeth and ate oatmeal together. She loves oatmeal. I got my first cup of Yogi Honey Chai Tea…

Your Christmas Tree Still Up?

January 10, 2020 Kwa No Comments

Yes, my Christmas tree is still up! Who going to judge me boo, LOL Normally I take my Christmas tree and Holiday decor down on New Year’s Day. This year I planned to take things down a little later because we were having family over after New Year’s. My tree was AMAZING compared to previous years

Hey 2020!

January 9, 2020 Kwa 2 Comments

I’m feeling 90% better. I hope you are well and starting the year in good health. For me, I brought in 2020 home with my family watching the ball drop. Shortly after I got a strain of the flu. Happy New Year to me right!

Meet Kwa

Meet Kwa

Hey there, I'm Kwa. Welcome to Mama Mini Joy, a relatable Motherhood & Lifestyle blog that inspires, entertains and connects with like-minded women. Enjoy!


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